LipoLab (10 x 10ml)

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€59.50 €59.50

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Lipolab should only be used by fully trained medical professionals such as doctors and nurses.

Lipo Lab PPC is a direct phosphatidylcholine-based lipolytic for the body, aimed at getting rid of fatty deposits.

It can:

-Reduces the storage of fat
-Increases your metabolism
-Gives you increased energy

Areas most effective are:

- Double chin
- Armpit, forearms
- Back
- Love Handles
- Hip
- Thighs

Why Lipo Lab?

  • Decrease body fat in all areas of the face
  • Ideal for highlighting cheekbones and second chin lift
  • Decreased cheeks and nasolabial folds
  • Elimination of swelling of the face and body
  • Anti-cellulite action
  • Skin lifting, moisturizing and elasticity
  • Visible result after 1 application

Active ingredients:

  • Phosphatidylcholine – 1000 mg (99.8% purity)
  • Sodium deoxycholate – 5 mg (98% purity)
  • L-carnitine – 200 mg


Deoxycholate, which is part of the product, in combination with phosphatidylcholine, destroys adipocytes and converts fat into an emulsion state, after which it is excreted from the body through the kidneys, liver and blood. The procedure carried out with the lipolitik Lipo Lab PPC, is painless, and therefore does not require anaesthesia.


Lipo lab is designed to combat cellulite and helps get rid of fat in specific parts of the body. Lipo Lab PPC is used in the area of ​​double chin, back, abdomen and side folds, buttocks and thighs. With minimal cost, this lipolytic will help get rid of cellulite and make your skin smooth and supple.

Using 12 mm or 13 mm for fat dissolvers is the well-accepted standard for most procedures. However, for thicker fat layers, the full depth of the needle can be pricked. These include your abdomen and your thighs. It is important to note never to insert the full depth of the needle in shallow fat deposits such as on the arms and face.

Lipolab should only be used by fully trained medical professionals such as doctors and nurses.

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Brand Lipolab
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LipoLab (10 x 10ml)